Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Good Day

Note: This is the fourth update I made to Addison's CarePages website and it hurts my heart to read it.

Posted Mar 24, 2012 9:23pm
I hesitate to post this for fear of a big jinx, but, today was a good day.
First, and most importantly, Addison made some great strides today. The bleeding from the cannula site in her leg has slowed, some of the swelling has gone down, and they have been able to go to 60 percent oxygen on the ventilator. So, that's a good day.
Second, we were surrounded by family and friends who filtered in and out of the waiting room all day long. This provided a much-needed break (and a few good laughs) for a frazzled mom and dad. In addition to aunts, uncles, and friends from way back when, two very important visitors showed up: our baby boys Isaac and Tripp. Hugs, kisses, and a couple of "I love you, Addie" messages to our little girl on the iPad made this, you guessed it, a good day. I can't even tell you how excited I was to place that iPad right next to Addie's ear and press play.
Third, the unbelievable support for "Team Addie" continues to grow and grow. We've been absolutely overwhelmed by the messages posted to this site. As we scrolled through page after page, we saw names of old friends, new friends, and people we've never even met. To us, that's absolutely amazing. But the support doesn't stop there. Not a day goes by where we don't have people ask, "What can we do?" And when we can't think of ANYTHING for them to do, they go out and find something to do. In fact, today a group of wonderful women (armed with cleaning supplies and a couple of bottles of wine) broke into my house and scrubbed it from top to bottom. I'm so thankful for that (and just a tiny bit mortified about what they might have witnessed). This afternoon, neighbors pitched in to spray for weeds and mow the yard. Thanks, guys!
So all in all it was a good day. But, Scott and I embrace this good day carefully. We try not to get too high because we know just how low low can be. It's an awfully long drop. But with your prayers, support, and love, you truly lift us up. Please, keep up your good work.

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